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Writer's pictureJudy Granlee Gates

November 2024 Newsletter

Updated: Nov 27, 2024

Thanks for the break in October, our family has had a lot going on and we had an extra busy and stressful month which I am glad to have behind us!

The holidays are fast approaching so I am going to dedicate this month to HOLIDAY PREP.  You will be having visitors, maybe a party, maybe you are hosting holidays or maybe you are just trying to keep your sanity this season!  Either way, lets talk about all things preparing for holidays!

If you've never seen the "Company is Coming" video by Chris Fleming, it's a must watch...I have been compared to this character before some holiday functions...

Feel free to go to my website to review past newsletters to review spaces in the house we have been going.


Newsletter Topic of the Month

Holiday Prep


If you have guests coming, where will they sleep?  Guest rooms often become the catchall space so let’s get ahead of that NOW. You know the drill, grab a few bins or stand-up bags. I label them with a post it notes with the space the items go to.  Toss items into bins/bags as appropriate, and when they are full take them to the room the belong in, put away and repeat!!  Do this until everything that doesn’t belong is gone.  Do you need extra pillows, blankets, fresh bedding?  Make a list and get those things purchased or acquired, and you are ready for your company.  Be sure that the guests have some SPACE for their things.  Many guest rooms are small, so look carefully.  If there is a dresser but the top is covered in tchotchkes, get them out of the way, even just temporarily.  Where will the guest hang or put their suitcase or clothing?  Do you have extra hangers?   Are there drawers empty? Make some space you’re your guests, they deserve it! Want to go the extra mile?  Leave a little basket filled with trial size items, an extra toothbrush, some bottled waters and snacks.  Maybe a few books or magazines for guests.

Just to show you I too, struggle, here is my guest room this morning.  Bags to donate, a return bag, a suitcase, unfolded blankets for the murphy bed, pillows, new Dyson attachments, workout crap…. the works.  This took me less than 30 minutes to do.  That included vacuum packing the 2 pillows and 2 blankets (they store better and stay tidy) and putting the other things where they go.  Donations to car, hang up clothes from trip, suitcase back to garage.  And yes, my guest room doubles as a home gym.  I can easily move out my workout stuff if we have guests and store it elsewhere for a few days.


Review the public spaces in your house.  Living, dining, family rooms, Kitchen and main bath.  Remove things you don’t need, even if only for the holiday season.  When you add a tree and decorations it can get tight so don’t be afraid to relegate an item or two to the basement or garage for the month. Swap out some of your regular décor for holiday (I just drop my daily stuff in my holiday bins for the months, then put it all back in January).  Do any extra cleaning or upkeep and tidy up things like the coffee table or end tables and go through all the stuff to clear out a bit. Will you need extra seating?  How will you accommodate that?  Folding chairs, other?  Think about what you will need to entertaining days and where it will go in advance, that will save you a lot of stress.

Find some amazing holiday scented candles on hand to burn, or boil cloves, oranges and cinnamon in a pan on the stove.  Beautiful scents are a big part of the holidays for me!

Declutter your Schedule:

Do NOT say yes to everything.  Chose wisely, and don’t be afraid to say, “thanks for inviting us but we can’t make it”. 

Make a list of the important events during the holidays and map them out on a calendar so you can SEE them.  Decide on any family things or traditions, like cookie making or gingerbread house making day, and put them on the calendar too.

Take advantage of grocery pickup.  You order online and go to the store, and they put the groceries in your trunk.  Now, is this always perfect?  No, but 99% of the time it’s amazing.  I was talking to one of my pickup people and they were telling me that the managers insist that pickup get the best produce, no dented cans etc., so they will keep coming back!  I have had great luck with it.  It takes some time to learn but it is such a time saver.  Alternatively, join something like Walmart Plus where they deliver, or use Instacart or door dash in bigger cities.

Say NO to what doesn’t suit you or will have a cluttered and crazy holiday season that is anything but cozy and relaxing. Just like me saying I had to pass on the October newsletter, people WILL understand, your sanity is worth it!

Gift Hiding and Wrapping:

Ok, so not everyone has a fire station like I do…. great stashing, workshop, hiding spot.  However, we all have some space.  Under the beds, in bins in the garage.  Choose a closet (if this is an annual thing swap out the doorknob for a Keyed one and lock it is you have little snoopers in the house!!  I have some great bin systems in my garage, and I stash them there, but I don’t have littles around.  The bins are great for lots of things, and I always have a few extra empties, so perfect for holiday inventory.

Another trick I love is choosing one wrapping paper per family member.  Wrap gifts, no tags until the end.  You know who they are for, but the little package shakers will be so thrown off!

Have a topic idea? Area of struggle? A fun tip? Send it in and I may make it the topic of the month. Email me at


Product(s) of the Month:

No products this month, we are too busy with holiday stuff and stay tuned because the DECEMBER NEWSLETTER will be early and will be focused on CLUTTER FREE GIFTING.

I will also be offering to a book special with clutter free gift coupons you can print at home!


News & Upcoming Events

Stay tuned, working on some fun stuff…. AUDIOBOOK launching in 2025!

Follow my Declutter and Resize private Facebook group and Instagram to stay in the loop.


Other Stuff

Do you have a group or event that would like to hear about decluttering, living smaller, or parting with sentimental items? Let me know, I love to speak to people about all things decluttering and resizing!

Are you in a book club? I would love to do a virtual book club over 4 weeks with you, just get in touch.

If you have read the book and want to leave a review Here are the links. This is the biggest compliment you can give an indie author! You can leave reviews at; Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and Goodreads

And lastly, if you need a copy of my book, grab one here. Do you know I have sold hundreds and hundreds of books and only 10% of readers have left a review?  Please, this helps an author so much, leave a review, long or short. Reviews push me up to where folks can see my book!  Just a simple comment helps, “loved this book”  “So much good info”.  It needn’t be wordy!


Until next month, thanks for the support and keep it COZY!

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