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Writer's pictureJudy Granlee Gates

July 2024 Newsletter

We have a LOT of new subscribers this month.  Welcome, and feel free to go to my website to review past newsletters as we have been going through the house space by space all year long. 

July is about Living and Family Rooms.  Let’s dive in!


Newsletter Topic of the Month

These are busy spaces, and you will want some family input and help here so that the decluttering lasts!! Generally, these spaces are easier to declutter, but make sure to look in every cabinet, drawer and bookshelf. 

Create zones for items like books, toys, pet items or beds.  Clean out any cabinets or drawers, their top surfaces, the mantel or fireplace area, coffee tabletop and other areas that may store things, floating or bookshelves, hutches or display cases. 

It’s also a great time to clean out the fireplace, wood or gas.  Clean the glass, vacuum ashes, get it looking tidy!

Review any faux or live plants, wall decors, smaller furniture items.  I’ve noticed that the living and family rooms tend to be the graveyard where old furniture pieces no one knows what to do with go to die.  If it is not serving you, it goes.  A bunch of very small furniture pieces looks busy and distracting.  Sell them and buy a new piece that truly meets your needs! Take some time to asses what you really need.  A good test is to remove a piece or two, stash it in the garage for 2 weeks.  If you don’t miss it, time to go!!

Purge books, games, stained or ratty items like throw pillows or rugs.  Assess faux or live plants. 

Consider replacing some furniture pieces with those that do double duty…function with storage, better function or just storage all count as a win!

Living and family rooms are often “accessory heavy”.  Take time to asses what you love, and lose a few pieces.  It’s a great time to update your style too.  I know I have a thing with throw pillows.  I can only use a few at a time, but they change the look of a space so fast.  I store mine is vacuum storage bags, and that limits the space I need and keeps them clean.

Have a topic idea? Area of struggle? A fun tip? Send it in and I may make it the topic of the month. Email me at


Product(s) of the Month:

I love a vacuum storage bag for off season pillows and throws.  I like both these brands, they both come with a hand pump, they are great for travel too. My pillow fluff right up once out of the bag.  Pro tip, notice the fill line….it matters, and the bag won’t seal and compress as good is you over fill.

Tight on space?  Consider a combo lamp with end table.  I have one like this and it is a game changer!!

I use a desk organizer like this by my husbands chair.  It corrals all his stuff.  Glasses, pens, meds, files and papers, magazines or book, TV remotes and more!  So handy and tidy.

This little genius is called a C table.  Has a drawer built in. The base slides under the couch, creating a tabletop service over the couch cushions, I love these and find them soooo handy.


News & Upcoming Events

Wednesday, August 14th, I am speaking at Baypointe Assisted Living in Bremerton, WA.  It is open to the public and starts at 2 pm.

The focus of the talk is Resizing your Life for the Next Chapter!

Follow my Declutter and Resize private Facebook group and Instagram to stay in the loop.


Other Stuff

Do you have a group or event that would like to hear about decluttering, living smaller, or parting with sentimental items? Let me know, I love to speak to people about all things decluttering and resizing!

Are you in a book club? I would love to do a virtual book club over 4 weeks with you, just get in touch.

If you have read the book and want to leave a review Here are the links. This is the biggest compliment you can give an indie author! You can leave reviews at; Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and Goodreads

And lastly, if you need a copy of my book, grab one here. Do you know I have sold hundreds and hundreds of books and only 10% of readers have left a review?  Please, this helps an author so much, leave a review, long or short. Reviews push me up to where folks can see my book!  Just a simple comment helps, “loved this book”  “So much good info”.  It needn’t be wordy!


Until next month, thanks for the support and keep it COZY!

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